12 Seasons

I’m looking for a color that naturally harmonizes with your skin tone, where the two work together to enhance your features and create balance.

What is a 12-Tone Seasonal Color Analysis?

3 words or less: Follow the SCIENCE..!!

20 words or less: A Color Scientist improved the 1980’s, 4 season model to include the 2/3 of the population that were “neutral” using the SciART 12 Seasonal Tones system.

For my “analyticals” –

It is a process of comparing various colors (fabric drapes) on you to determine your personal color tone. The system is based in the science of color and human vision. The 12-tone system built upon the traditional 4-seasonal approach of the 1980’s to include the other two-thirds of the population who are more neutral in skin tone, neither totally warm, nor totally cool.

The 12 Seasons method is based on the color collections developed by color scientist, Kathryn Kalisz (1948-2010), the founder of SciART and a Master Munsell Colorist. The Munsell Color Identification System, recognized globally as a standard for color communication, reflects human perception of color and adapts to new technologies, trends, and color over time. Kathryn realized that the traditional 4-Season systems could not fully capture the wide range of human coloring. While increasing the number of groups could provide more variations, it also diluted the distinctiveness of each group and complicated color discernment. She concluded that 12 Seasons was the ideal number. Additionally, she understood that color operates across three interconnected dimensions—length, width, and height—forming a structure similar to an irregular tree.

The colors in each of the 12 Seasons are rooted in Kathryn’s expertise in color classification and her deep understanding of human color perception. Kathryn’s work goes beyond merely assigning thousands of colors to one of the 12 Seasons; it involves understanding each color’s unique chemical behavior in mixtures and compositions. While each color is assigned to a specific Season, many colors may appear similar. Their Season is determined by how they interact with other colors within that grouping.

Kathryn’s insight into how Nature creates visual harmony from pigment mixtures with distinct properties allowed her to create color groupings that are perceived as harmonious to the human eye. Her ability to balance these factors resulted in the visually cohesive palettes we now use.

The 12 color collections, or 12 Seasons, developed by Kathryn form the foundation of the analysis system that I utilize. This system encompasses the entire process, from color testing to luxury drapes, client education, and applying the Seasonal analysis to wardrobe, cosmetics, jewelry and hair color recommendations and even the interior of your home.