Personal Color Analysis - what is it?

Don’t feel like reading the whole thing? No worries, here’s the deal:
Your body’s got its own built-in paint shop, cranking out pigments that create YOUR personal color tone. I’ll match your undertone to one of the twelve seasonal tones, unlocking a spectrum of colors that’ll have you looking like the freshest, most vibrant version of yourself – providing you with your most healthy look. Think of it as your skin’s personal color cheat code! It is truly life changing..!!
A personal color analysis consultation at The Seasoned Gent involves a series of precise scientific tests to evaluate color harmony against your natural coloring. This process cannot be completed by merely observing you in person, viewing a photo, or discussing favorite colors. Instead, I test various color hues, values, and chromas (saturation & clarity of color) to identify the seasonal tone that best complements you.
Personal Color Analysis is both an art and a science and aims to harmonize artistry with scientific method to uncover the unique colors present in your skin, eyes, hair, teeth, and other features—essentially revealing YOUR personal version of each color in the spectrum.
This is done by integrating two key color theories: Albert Munsell’s Theory of Color and the Seasonal Color Theory of the Impressionist painters.

Albert Munsell, an artist and educator, developed the Munsell color wheel, a globally recognized tool for color harmony. His system organizes colors based on three dimensions: Value (the lightness or darkness of a color), Hue (the warmth or coolness of a color), and Chroma (the brightness or dullness of a color).
The Impressionist painters of the 19th century were keen observers of nature and recognized the distinct color tones associated with each season. They saw that Spring is marked by vibrant, radiant colors, while Autumn features softer, more muted tones. Despite these differences, each season maintains a perfect balance and harmony.
Nature is meticulously balanced, from the colors of each season to our own hair color, eye color, and skin tones. Just as nature achieves harmony, we can enhance or disrupt this balance by choosing colors in our clothing, cosmetics, hair dye, and accessories. Melanin, carotene, and hemoglobin are three pigments in the human body that create your own unique color scheme. They provide your personal mix with shades of red, yellow, orange, blue, brown, and black. These colors determine the color of your skin, hair, eyes, and overall seasonal tone (your personal color tone). A personal color analysis will identify the seasonal palette that perfectly aligns with your natural coloring, ensuring a harmonious and flattering appearance.
The 12 Seasonal Tone Harmonies encapsulate the core colors associated with each month of the year. Color harmony and balance is achieved by selecting and wearing clothing, hair color, and cosmetics with similar characteristics to our own skin tone, hair color, and eye color. Each season and person has a dominant characteristic as well as two secondary characteristics. The 12 months & 4 seasons of the year in many regions of the world reflect the same mood and tone.